This is a love letter…A love letter to my beloved late wife Christa who left this earth for heaven on 12 September 2021.
My darling sweet Christa, I have never in my life witnessed such grace, such beauty, such intuition and instinct, such heroism and power, such prayerfulness and steadfastness, and such joy and happiness as I did in our 35 years of marriage. Each day your smile captivated me. Even in times when you felt like a stranger here on this mission field, you still smiled. There were times you felt you had done nothing here except be a wife. No, you changed hundreds of lives here in Guatemala and India. Most of all you changed my heart and then broke it the day you left this earth. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. Half of myself has gone with you, and one day we will be together again in front of our Lord Jesus Christ. I may have thought I loved you before… but since you went to be with the Lord I love you even more. And all I can do is say thank you, thank you, thank you, through tears and tears of gratitude.
Your loving husband, Jeff