Jeff & Christa Mills are Globe Mission missionaries and have been in Guatemala since 1993. During this time they have helped to plant three churches and see quick and healthy growth. Jeff’s greatest love is seeing people brought into the Kingdom of God. He says he thinks he is an evangelist! Jeff moves in the gifts of healing and prophecy and his heart is to see revival like one that is taking place here in the town of Almalonga, and that has been going on for over 25 years!
God also opened the door for international ministry in other countries, especially India where Jeff saw 1,000 people come to the Lord in one day, and the following day a further 500 people. On one occasion in Northern India, Christa and Jeff were televised and Christa took the opportunity of sharing the gospel with thousands of people. Jeff never forgets to give all the glory to God, Christa has the gifting for teaching and is used powerfully in our present church in Dueñas. Although Jeff can preach in Spanish, he allows Christa to translate from English to Spanish as there is a greater anointing working together. (After Note: Sadly Christa died on 12 September 2021 from covid. Jeff has written a Tribute to her on this Site)

Christa had the amazing gift to love and encourage people and impart in small groups the truths of the Word of God with wisdom and understanding. She also had been teaching in their latest church in Dueñas, Basic Bible Truths based on the Book of Acts. With her talent for languages, she supports the ministry of Jeff and Final Harvest Ministries by way of translating the monthly newsletters, preaching and keeping in contact through postcards. She also has had the privilege to translate two booklets for “Casa de Dios”, a large and continuously growing church in the capital of Guatemala, with over 26,000 members.